
Sunday, September 27, 2009

This is looking down on the food court at Century City - a huge mall in Cape Town.

Now we are down in the food court eating our pizza (what a treat!)They had a fashion show going behind that large thing in the middle, the background music was classical rock. The fashions were kind of from the 50's - nothing extreme. We saw many people from all ethnic backgrounds and no tatoos, piercings, weird hairdos---it was very interesting. We didn't feel unsafe except that we couldn't find our way out when we were ready to go home and had to ask a security person where our exit door was. We weren't far from it, but we were going the wrong direction!

Our neighbor Vanessa takes care of two flower beds in the quad of our apt bldg. She gave us a "bird of paradise" flower to have in our flat. We love it, but we think there are bugs in it because we keep finding little black bugs on the floor in our kitchen. I don't know how long it will last.

This is a picture of some of the worst poverty here in the city. This is on the edge of where our branch is. Possibly some of the people in our branch live here. We had a presentation for the 5th Sunday yesterday on the perpetual education fund encouraging them to get education. They were very interested, but they said the process of getting approved takes 6-8 weeks and it is hard for them. We have one couple assigned to travel the mission and sign people up---that is their whole mission.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Driving in Africa - taking your life in your hands

This is Elder Herbert on his first drive on the left hand side. Notice the fence in the back - that surrounds our apartment building - where our flat is. We have a little remote to open the gate so we can leave. Straight across the street is the Howard Centre which is a little shopping center with a bank, post office, grocery store, pharmacy (the chemist) and Woolworths - kind of a department store.

And here he is after we made it to the office!! What a feat! He is a master of concentration and driving dexterity!! I am so proud of him. He really is a good driver - the traffic is unbelievable. People constantly cut in front of you - they just put on the blinker and turn in. How do you like our cute little car? I am having a hard time getting used to sitting in the driver's seat and not driving. We both walk to the wrong side when we go to get in!

This is how our car fits in our garage - not a lot of storage space in there, but we are grateful to even have a car and a garage. Yes, we made it home after our jaunt to the office. It was on Saturday, our P day, that's why no suit and tie. We now realize that we should wear P day clothers only at home and dress up if we are leaving our apartment.

New blog

This was our first day here - what a beautiful welcome. It was rainy all day, and then we looked out and saw this. The view is constantly changing and you will probably tire of seeing it on this blog - I love it!!