
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chapman's Peak

One Saturday afternoon we decided it was time for another little scenic drive. The Harms had already done the Chapman Peak drive, but they said it was so beautiful that they would like to go again. It is only about 30 kilometers (20 miles) from our flat and is a different way to get to Cape Point---where the Cape of Good Hope is. We first drove through a forest--it was much denser than this and looked like Yellowstone Park as you drove - trees on both sides. At one point the trees thinned out and we saw these grape vineyards in the distance. This shows a little of the country-side so you can see how they farm.
After we got past the forest, we came to a little bay called Hout Bay. It was very picturesque and we especially loved the whale clooud that formed on the mountain as we stood there! Can you see it?

Here's a better picture where he even has an eye and it looks like he is about to eat a little fish. Funny how there are clouds on top of all three peaks. We only stayed here a few minutes.
We were hoping to see the sun go down into the ocean, but of course it was cloudy again. We thought this sunset was very striking and really loved the clouds here. There is a huge cliff at this spot and they have put up a mirror to help you see around the bend in the road. We were going the wrong direction to use it. Seemed strange.

Below is a tunnel-like retaining wall that was created to protect the roadway from falling rocks. This road has been closed for a long time while they built or repaired the wall. You drive through the covered part so quickly that we didn't have time to snap a picture. Then you drive a little further under a rock ceiling kind of thing---I guess you can see it in the picture! We think we will get a better picture next time! The road has a toll booth that charges you coming and going in order to pay for all the work! It was about $8 American each way, but it was so worth it for the beautiful landscapes and sunset we saw. As we drove around a bend in the road, we saw this beautiful white sandy beach without a soul on it. It was a lovely, warm evening and it was a surprise not to see a few beachcombers out searching for shells. I was dying to run down there!
We were watching the sunset which was fiery orange and it was so beautiful it was hard to tear ourselves away, but then we noticed this pink ribbon of clouds that went clear across the sky. It looked like a lost piece of wrapping ribbon! We were so interested in it, that we didn't turn around for a while and then we turned 180 degrees and saw the beautiful sunset on the picture after this one.

The sunset was becoming more beautiful by the moment and every few seconds was a different exciting view.
The ribbon got pinker and pinker and lingered over the mountains for quite a while. We lingered there in the same spot and turned one way and then the other snapping photos all the time. It was so hard to pick the ones to put on the blog.

Finally it really started to get dark and we had to leave this wonderful spot and count on the camera to hold the memories for us. Goodnight all - we love you and pray that all will be well with you in every way.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Valentines Dance

In mid-January Elder Herbert and I heard the news that there was going to be a dance put on by the Young Men and Young Women of the Langa Branch for Valentine's Day. I have to admit we were a little skeptical that it would even happen. But some of the Young Women leaders really got excited about this activity and started having dance practices. We thought they were just practicing so they would know how to dance and then when we happened on a practice one afternoon at the church, we realized they were going to have a floor show and all of them were going to do ballroom dancing. This is what dancing with the stars has done! I like it!

They worked so hard ----gathering dishes from their homes and buying decorations. They spent all day that day preparing food and decorating the room. I was shocked when I saw the lovely table settings with a menu on each plate and organza table cloths. I have to admit that Valentine's Day is lots more fun when the weather is warm. No one had to wear an ugly coat over their party dress. They actually had a talk on proper dress and morals before the dance started. Some of the girls went out afterwards and pinned their necklines up so they wouldn't have such a low neckline---so here is the beautiful dress (that they probably borrowed from a friend and it doesn't fit them just right) and there are safety pins at the nekline. I love that!

Below is a picture of me and my two of my best friends in Africa---Sister Mazwi who is my visiting teaching companion and Sister Matshaya who is Relief Society President. They both got so dressed up for the evening and I wore my dorkiest clothes!! I had lots of red clothes I could have worn---all the teenagers were in red or pink---even most of the boys. Next is Brother Sekori---he is the man that holds the Branch together right now. He is a counselor in the Branch Presidency and he is at every meeting and tries to have activities. He is a returned missionary that still struggles with the cultural issues that keep his people from living the gospel. We really love him.The picture above is is a better picture of the tables where you can see the plates are all different because lots of people brought them from home. The flowers were plastic ones that are at the church every Sunday. They put them in little vases. They served three courses - first starters - vegetable salsa, and rolls---then they gathered the plates and silverware and washed them all and served the main course - grilled fish (really good) potatoe mash and stir fried vegetables. They served the dessert in mugs from the kitchen - I made it---carrot cake of course!
The girl in the flowered skirt is Nongamso---she is one of the girls I am teaching piano. She is the one that is just beginning. She is the cutest thing and tries so hard to go ahead in the book.
She is younger, so she had to dance with her friend instead of a boy. The picture below shows some of them dancing----this was not their exhibition dance because each couple danced alone. We didn't take pictures during the dancing because we were afraid it would throw them off. They were concentrating so hard!

Even Grampa and Gramma Herbert had to "cut a rug" a little bit. They thought it was pretty neat that we knew how to dance. I heard some of them saying, "Wow, Elder Herbert can really dance!" All the couples wanted pictures and we had to print them some copies. So Elder Herbert was taking pictures in the corner most of the night! I don't think they have many pictures of themselves. You can sort of see the decorations in the background. This is Brother and Sister Sekori - He is a returned missionary, but they haven't been able to get to the temple yet. They are in our temple prep class and hope to be able to afford to go to the temple in November. It costs between 2500 and 3000 rand just to make the trip, which is about $400 American. They travel a little over a thousand miles on the BUS! to get there.

This is Tshwane and her friend. She just graduated from high school and is going to start college next semester. She is the one who speaks six languages. She wants to be an economist and is trying to get one of the PEF loans to go to school. She comes and plays the piano with me and plans all the music for sacrament meeting. I've only met him a couple of times - he doesn't come to church and isn't a member. They were the stars of the dancing!

This is Brother and Sister Mogkosi. He is in the Elder Quorum presidency. He went on a mission too and now works at Budget Car Rentals, so he has access to a car pretty often. She is the Primary President and they have a cute little boy. They are going to the temple in March or April and they are coming to our class too.

This is Simpiwe who has all the women after him. He forgot to get his clothes washed and they weren't dry for the party. The girls were upset, but they got over it. Here he is with Zintle (Zint Lay)
This just shows the decorations a little bit more - I couldn't believe all the trouble they went to and where did they get all this stuff? A young Women leader who works for a caterer brought a lot of it and taught them all to dance and made the most fantastic meal.

Here is a shot of the whole group as the evening was ending. Everyone was pretty happy and having a great time. Now you've been to a Valentine's Party Langa style! We had a great time--hope you did too!