This is the only picture we took of the lighthouse. It is on a very high cliff overlooking both oceans. The left is the Indian Ocean and to the right is the Atlantic. It was built in the early 1800s.
On top they have a signpost with directions and kilometers to various places in the world. Elder Harms took the picture and he cut off the other places, but New York is showing---12, 541 km which is only about 7,525 miles. I can't exactly swim it! It also had Rio de Janiero, Calcutta, and Tokyo---we'll go again and get a better picture.
It's less than and hour's drive from our flat.
This shows the path we came up to the lighthouse and some of the lookout points along the way. We rode a tram up about 1000 feet (vertically) and then had to walk the rest of the way up about 500 ft. (also vertical) It was breathtaking. Double-click this picture and it will give you an idea.
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