This may not seem that strange to anyone else, but this struck us as kind of funny. This is a men working sign--which shows that the men working along the side of the road are usually using a shovel or pick. You don't see much heavy equipment although we did see some men shoveling dirt into the big bucket of the front-end loader so it could move the dirt away.

This was definetly the funniest of all--we saw these men riding to work in the back of this truck and we felt so sorry for them. Not much of a transport to work. Elder Herbert said--Take a picture of those men in the truck. So I did----but when they saw me taking a picture of them, the man with the light colored hat took out his cell phone and took a picture of us!! We realized we look pretty strange to them too! Then we all laughed at each other and waved!!!
The crazy truck loads with people in the back is just like here. We have also found that the mechanical and electronic age have passed the Congo. They still use the most rudimentary tools and all labor is pretty much manual. We both must be in Africa.