Today we went to Hermanus, which is a city on the coast where lots of whale-watching goes on. We have basically missed the season because it ends the first of October, but we went anyway. We did see some whales - but only their tails:( - the people there said they roll and jump for hours and you can see them really well in July and August especially. Next year- we're there!

Here's a pic of one of the tails we saw as it goes back in the water - impossible to photograph! Yes, it is really there, if you enlarge the picture and zoom in, you can see the last of his tail as it goes in the water. Well, I can see it!! It is about a third of the way from the top a little to the right of center--it is black - not the white cap. Good luck!

We drove down the road a little and saw these little guys wandering the beach. I think they were looking for a handout, but I didn't offer anything.

This little guy came very close too, and you see the beginning of the hundreds that are on the rocks below - I'm sure there were 200 or so there. And people said there were more aroound the corner further down the beach. I put a picture of the rocks with them all on it on another post. They are so funny - but a little smelly! Whew!
We also had a baboon run across the road right in front of our car as we were driving to the beach. The drive was about 140 Kilometers and we were about 3/4 of the way when we saw him. We were going over a maountain pass.
The penguins were actually in a protected area, and as we were leaving there we saw signs saying it is against the law to feed the baboons. But we didn't see any more of them. I didn't get a picture - it just happened too fast, but we'll be ready next time!!

This is a tree we saw when we traveled to another rural area. Actually we saw several in that city. It is so beautiful. Double click on it so it will fill your screen and maybe zoom in to see the blossoms. they look like big, fat caterpillars. No, I don't think they will grow in Idaho. By the way - calla lilies grow well here and we see them lots. We saw some at the beach today - I think they must be like tulips and bloom in the spring. People here are not that impressed with them.
Well, that's all for now - I'll add more later
Love to all - Sister Herbert